Access Roads and Trails

Brush Clearing Services for Access Roads & Trails

Access roads and trails make it easy for vehicles and people to travel from place to place safely and quickly, ensuring easy access for maintenance, recreation, social outings and just plain enjoyment of property. Brush Services offers everything you need to ensure proper right-of-way, clear accessibility, and attractive, controlled growth of trees, bushes and other flora surrounding access roads and trails. Based in Lodi, Brush Services has quickly become one of the best brush removal companies in Central California and our brush mastication and vegetation removal services are used throughout the state of California for fence line work, detail work, removal of heavy grasses, vines or invasive plants, and any other issue that requires clearance around public trails and access roads.

Roadways and trails require continual upkeep to ensure they are safe and perform well over time. Here in California we enjoy optimal growing conditions nearly year-round, which means that fast-growing grasses, vines, plants and even trees can quickly overtake spaces creating tripping hazards, tire hazards, and other accessibility and safety issues for vehicle or foot traffic. Brush Services can provide brush removal and mulching services to keep roads and trails accessible and safe all year long.


Professional access road and trail clearing services in California

To schedule our brush removal services for access roads or trails, or to discuss details of your project, please leave us a message using the form on our Contact page or give us a call at 209-603-9336.

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Brush Services, Lodi, CA | License No. 989577

Brush Services is proud to service clients throughout the State of California


Brush Services is a family-owned business dedicated to restoring the health, value, safety, and beauty of properties throughout California with more than 20 years of professional brush clearing, forestry thinning, and mulching services and experience.