Brush Mastication & Mulching

Professional Brush Mastication and Mulching Services

Trees and bushes provide significant benefits for our environment, but dead, diseased and overgrown vegetation can harm the value, safety, and beauty of an area just as much.

Brush Service brush mastication services can take care of that unwanted and unsightly overgrowth of bushes, trees, vines, and shrubs by turning them all into mulch while restoring the natural beauty and health of the property. Mastication and mulching is safe for the environment because it has the benefit of returning nutrients to the soil as well as reducing soil erosion. It’s a great way to increase land value by enhancing the visual appeal of your property and reducing safety hazards.

Whether we are clearing land for a building site, restoring the views of residential homes, or improving access and safety for farms, public roads or access trails, brush mastication and mulching is fast, economical and provides immediate results you will be happy with.

Brush Service provides professional brush mastication and mulching services for many different projects throughout the state of California, including:

  • Pasture clearing for farms and ranches
  • Vineyard land clearing
  • Right-of-way
  • Pipelines and Powerlines
  • Wildfire prevention and management
  • Vegetation management
  • Invasive plant species removal
  • Wildlife habitat restoration
  • New home developments
  • Community parks and playgrounds
  • Commercial building projects
brush mastication, mulching, land clearing by Brush Services in Lodi California

Professional brush clearing, mastication and mulching service in California

To schedule our brush mastication and mulching services, or to discuss the details of your project, please leave us a message using the form on our Contact page or give us a call at 209-603-9336.

Contact Us

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Brush Services, Lodi, CA | License No. 989577

Brush Services is proud to service clients throughout the State of California


Brush Services is a family-owned business dedicated to restoring the health, value, safety, and beauty of properties throughout California with more than 20 years of professional brush clearing, forestry thinning, and mulching services and experience.